source of pride and an advantage for the community. He points out,“Twelve years ago, Bertie County would never be asked to assist in Western North Carolina disasters, but now we have the assets to do it.” TOP PRIORITIES Moving forward, Chairman Trent outlines the importance of housing and retail for Bertie County’s future growth. He highlights the pressing need for housing, reporting that 32-36% of the population lives outside the county due to low supply. Retail development, especially grocery stores and pharmacies, are also a critical component for continued residential and business attraction. “We just got through putting together our economic plan for the next five years, and housing and retail are our number one and number two items that we need,” he summarizes.“It goes back to what comes first, the chicken or the egg.And my comment to everybody is both, both have to come, and that’s all there is to it.” PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n ECU Health Bertie Hospital ECU Health Bertie Hospital is a critical-access facility located in Windsor, a small town steeped in eastern North Carolina history. With six attractive, private rooms and a dedicated team of health care professionals, we provide quality, compassionate care, and personal attention to the people of Bertie County and the surrounding area. n Perdue Farms Inc. We’re a fourth-generation, family-owned, U.S. food and agriculture company. Through our belief in responsible food and agriculture, we are empowering consumers, customers, and farmers through trusted choices in products and services. Now in our company’s second century, we never use drugs for growth promotion in raising poultry and livestock, and we are actively advancing our animal welfare programs. 74 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12