Civil Municipal - December 2024

INTRODUCING ALTERNATIVE PARADIGMS Since Porter arrived, he and the School Board have been responsive to the needs and desires of the greater school community.“A few years ago, we heard a desire for more offerings at our high school,” he recounts. “We didn’t have an alternative education program when I came here, so that is something that we put into place.Another part of our strategic plan was non-categorical learning, meaning blending regular education, special education, and other experiences together. A third component that we put into place was ‘pathways.’” In education, pathways are intentional learning structures that emphasize the importance of personal passions, mentorship, peer relationships, and technology in helping students connect in- and out-of-school experiences. Career pathways are a combination of education, training, and services 257 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12 REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 51