untapped potential. “The Town of Smyrna is going to be running some sewer to that area, which will open up a whole new frontier for us. So, we’re excited about that opportunity here in the next little bit,” he remarks. On the tourism side, Latture commends Smyrna’s exceptional park system and its ability to host sports tournaments that attract visitors from across the nation. “ We leverage their park system like crazy,” he conveys. In addition, he underscores the importance of the attractions which draw visitors to the community. “The Sam Davis Home and the Kuss Memorial are really a tribute to what the town is all about,” he states. “So, we’re very pleased to be a part of the economic development portfolio for the whole county, as well as the Town of Smyrna.” LOOKING AHEAD Smyrna’s excellence is recognized far and wide, with many accolades pointing to its strong governance and community-driven approach. The town earned the Tennessee Municipal League Award for Excellence in Governance in 2023 and was named one of Fortune Magazine’s “50 Best Places to Live for Families” in 2023. It also boasts a AAA credit rating from Standard and Poor’s and the Government Finance Officers Association’s Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting. As Smyrna continues to experience growth, the town remains committed to maintaining the high quality of life that its residents have come to know and love. “I think our goal is truly to provide the best place to live, work, and raise a family,” Mayor Reed reflects. “We want young people to feel excited about returning to Smyrna after they go off to college or pursue other opportunities. Our hope is that they will come back to Smyrna and make this town their home. We want residents and visitors to experience the love we have for our community.” Completed in 2024, Vintage Stonetrace in Smyrna, Tennessee features 325 luxury apartments and 7 commercial office suites. AN INDUSTRY LEADING MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPER & BUILDER tdkconstruction.com 249 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12 SMYRNA, TN