Civil Municipal - December 2024

of town will provide affordable housing for firsttime buyers, incorporating a sweat equity model that allows families to contribute labor and reduce costs. “We do experience some of the affordability issues that most cities across the nation are dealing with. In part, this is because it’s easier to build in areas where there’s mass density. Even though we are just 40 minutes east of the Phoenix Metro, costs are a little bit higher here,” the mayor acknowledges.“But we are working on ways to make sure that it stays affordable for people here in Superior.” One of Superior’s priorities is providing options for multi-generational families, helping to increase housing options, and supporting residents. “We’re seeing across America that loneliness is becoming its own epidemic and that has all sorts of other socioeconomic issues that come into your community. 230 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12 SUPERIOR, AZ