of academic programs, from traditional curriculum to innovative options like project-based learning and technology-assisted instruction.“Our education system is top notch,” says Superintendent Lehman. “It’s one of the best in the area with the highest test scores in Marathon County for the last few years. In addition, we have set a strategic plan that focuses on community partnerships and working with local businesses. For example, we have a lot of kids here that leave school during the day to work for a local business. They get paid, and they get credit through the school district. So our kids, especially in high school, set goals on either being career-ready, college-ready, or both by the time they leave here.” “Plus, our extracurriculars are some of the best in the entire State of Wisconsin,” Lehman adds.“We’ve won the most state championships in football than any other school in the state. And we’ve had a lot of success in wrestling, volleyball, baseball, and softball.” A COMMUNITY THAT SHARES ITS RESOURCES The District’s fitness center is not only for its students. In Stratford, many of the local businesses have contributed to its construction, so they use it when it’s available. “You can come here at 5:00 o’clock in the morning and you can work out,” says Lehman.“It’s not going to cost you and at that time, Unlock growth opportunities with Stratford Economic Development Foundation, your gateway to thriving business in Central Wisconsin. 715.687.4166 | stratfordwi.com/economic-development Stratford WisconsiN 200 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12