Civil Municipal - December 2024

mountain biking. But this new recreational facility, if it were to come to fruition, would really increase our ability to go after bids of that nature and of that size,” recounts Young. In tandem, Kentville is working to meet the needs of an expanded visitor base. “If we attract all of these folks, and if we attract and get these bids for these large-scale sporting events, where do we put them and where do they stay when they get here?” remarks Young. “I would hope that with all of the growth that we’re seeing in the area, and as we get going on some of this stuff, that the hotels will start knocking. Right now, we’re kind of getting our ducks in a row to set up for that.” Overall Kentville will focus on maintaining its distinctive identity as it embraces growth. From new housing and commercial spaces to communitydriven events, Kentville is not just a place to visit 181 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12 KENTVILLE, NS