Civil Municipal - December 2024

internally,” Christie elaborates. She underscores the importance of the Kentville Business Community, who are essential to the success of the town’s various festivals, events, and public art and mural initiatives. “A lot of what we offer is done in partnership. We are lucky to have a very motivated community,” Christie notes.“I think this speaks to the Annapolis Valley as well. We’re so interconnected that one community benefits from the work of another. We don’t shy away from that. We try to celebrate each other as we move through and work together.” A VISION FOR THE FUTURE Looking ahead, Kentville’s priorities remain on intentional growth, enhanced recreation, and strengthened infrastructure. Christie emphasizes, “In the next 18 months, there’s a lot of focus on strategic planning, where we are going and how we can best support our community.” Kadri outlines, “From the engineering perspective, our aim is to have accessible sidewalks and also be able to increase our accessibility around town. We’re also trying to look into having infrastructure upgrades to be able to meet the demand of the new development and the growth that we’re expecting.” The efforts also include ambitious recreational goals, including the possible introduction of a racquet sports facility and a multi-purpose recreational space. “We have hosted some national sporting events, we’ve had the Canada Cup here the last few years for 180 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12