the city’s revenue through its earnings tax.The city’s industrial parks play a significant role in this system, generating revenue that supports the delivery of major public services. The symbiotic relationship between the city and the school district becomes evident when discussing tax abatements designed to attract businesses. “The school is a significant part of that and understands what it takes to create jobs,” he adds. The revenues generated from these jobs assist in funding infrastructure improvements, police and fire services, parks, and other services provided by the City. Monroe’s industrial landscape is home to large companies like Deceuninck North America, LLC, a vinyl manufacturer, as well as several Fortune 50 businesses that have set up operations in the city’s logistics parks. Smith highlights the city’s strategy of targeting industries that offer high-quality jobs while maximizing land use.“We’re working to position the City to attract advanced manufacturing industries that specialize in batteries, sensors, microchips, and hydraulics,” he explains. These types of businesses provide jobs the City is looking to attract making them an efficient choice for Monroe’s development plans. 141 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12 MONROE, OH