Civil Municipal Magazine - Dec 2023

65 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 highlighting the city’s robust agricultural sector. “We have a strong connection with local farmers, which enriches our community with fresh, quality produce. Just yesterday, we celebrated the opening of a new business that brings farm-fresh chicken directly to consumers,” he shares. This symbiotic relationship between the urban center and the rural outskirts is a distinctive feature of Quinte West, providing residents with access to fresh, local produce and supporting the agricultural community. Mayor Harrison also touches on the significant role of 8 Wing/Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Trenton, Canada’s largest air transport command unit. “The base is home to about 5,000 personnel and is a cornerstone of our community, contributing significantly to our local economy,” he states. The air base is an economic asset and a source of pride for the city. “Witnessing planes take off daily is a reminder of our nation’s role in global humanitarian efforts,” Mayor Harrison remarks, emphasizing the base’s international impact. Navigating Workforce Development and Technological Advancements In Quinte West, critical focal points are addressing labor shortages and adapting to the evolving work landscape. The city’s initiatives in these areas reflect a forward-thinking approach essential for sustaining economic growth and enhancing community life. Mayor Harrison acknowledges the challenges and opportunities in workforce development. “We’re actively addressing the labor shortage issue. For instance, we recently welcomed a new plumbing business that successfully expanded due to its proficient workforce,” he shares. This example underscores the importance of skilled labor in the city’s economic fabric. Mayor Harrison also highlights initiatives like immigration programs and doctor recruitment, which are vital for sustaining the community’s health and well-being. “Our new medical facility will provide much-needed space for healthcare professionals, further enhancing our community’s appeal,” he adds. QUINTE WEST, ONTARIO