Civil Municipal Magazine - Dec 2023

63 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 QUINTE WEST, ONTARIO program, enhancing road safety for all users. Apart from its functional improvements, the King Street project represents Quinte West’s dedication to blending utility with community- focused urban design. The project refurbished a vital corridor and enhanced connectivity to critical areas like the local hospital, a high school, and the downtown area. Angelo highlights Quinte West’s broader challenge: an infrastructure deficit pegged at approximately $160 to $170 million. “This deficit encompasses necessary upgrades and replacements of our water and sewer systems, along with expanding treatment plant capacities for future growth,” he states. Quinte West’s largest wastewater plant in the Trenton area alone requires an $80 million investment for expansion on top of the $60 million already spent on updates. The scale of these investments underscores the necessity of federal and provincial support. Angelo stresses this point, “Given the magnitude of these projects, particularly the wastewater plant expansion, federal and provincial assistance is vital. An $80 million investment