Civil Municipal Magazine - Dec 2023

323 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 RADFORD CI T Y SCHOOLS in which students prepare for success in life, develop a competitive spirit, and become responsible citizens.” Its vision is: “Excellence in Education. . .Every Student, Every Day.” “We work to achieve that vision daily,” says Ellen Denny, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. “Some days are more challenging than others with regard to budget, to the teacher shortage, to changing behaviors and a plethora of other things, but I believe we aspire to provide every student excellence in education every day. And the mission is a good one. We do want to provide an atmosphere that does prepare students for success in life and to become responsible citizens. And while we want our children to be competitive in a changing world, we also want them to know the importance of working with others.” Early education is key In Radford, education begins early. The district has one three-year-old preschool class and three preschool classes for four-year-olds. It