Civil Municipal Magazine - Dec 2023

313 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 NEW KENT COUNT Y PUBL IC SCHOOLS Superintendent Dr. Brian Nichols shares, “One of our foundational principles in New Kent is that smart is something you become. We provide the environment for you to become smarter, and that holds true for students, it holds true for staff, it holds true for families and communities. By partnering with us, you’re going to get smarter along the way, and we’re going to get smarter as a team. That is really the grounding philosophy of the work we do.” The Three E’s Approach At the core of New Kent’s approach is the belief that education extends beyond the traditional diploma. Dr. Nichols emphasizes the “Three E’s”, which are Enrollment, Employment, and Enlistment. “The goal is for every graduate to walk across the stage with not only a diploma but a pathway to success in post-secondary education, a fulfilling career, or service to the nation,” he says. “My goal for our students is that it’s no longer just good enough to get a diploma, you really have to have more than that to be successful.