Civil Municipal Magazine - Dec 2023

299 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 HAMPTON CI T Y SCHOOLS resources. Our students are even training on equipment that mirrors what their employees use. That’s one of the pipelines we’re looking to create with this collaborative relationship.” This approach is used throughout the school division, connecting valuable learning to experiences that prepare students for the future. “We have the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism, and our business partners connect with us to give us insight on how we can connect the English, math, science and social studies classes to the hospitality and tourism industry as well,” portrays Haynes. “They’re not just getting the learning experience through the lens of whatever CTE, or course is associated with it. We are purposely embedding lesson activities inside of the curriculum. And we do so with the input and insight from the business partners that serve on our academy committees.” Caggiano conveys that the value placed on innovation in the district is another reason for the ongoing success. He shares, “We’ve been a leader in a number of areas, to include technology integration, and transforming teaching and learning. We also believe in calculated risk taking, and continuing to push boundaries on behalf of students, staff, and the families we serve.” Engaging the Business Community Hampton City Schools places a strong emphasis on engaging with the business community, such as partnerships like Newport News Shipbuilding, a division of Huntington Ingalls and a major employer in the region. “Newport News Shipyard is right in our backyard,” relays Caggiano. “We are working closely with them, specifically with our Virginia Ship Repair Association Maritime Academy, as throughout the country there’s a need for a highly qualified workforce. So, they’ve come in and provided a lot of their time and