Civil Municipal Magazine - Dec 2023

273 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 CONCORD COMMUNI T Y SCHOOLS CORPORAT ION One district in particular, located at the heart of Concord township, is working hard to accomplish all of the above and more. It recognizes that investing in education means investing in future leaders, citizens, and the workforce. Through strategic partnerships and collaborative initiatives, Concord Community Schools are creating a ripple effect that is causing positive change in the classroom and beyond.. By nurturing an environment that encourages staff to students challenge students to test their limits and play an active role in the world they are destined to influence. The Principles of Concord Teaching and Learning Founded in 1926, Concord Community Schoolsencompasses portions of Elkhart County, including unincorporated Dunlap. Despite the absence of an independent city identity, the school district has evolved to play a central role in connecting and serving the local community. D. Funston