Civil Municipal - August 2024

Operator Learning Series are eligible for Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) credits toward application or recertification. The “Navigating Leadership in a Small Flight Department” series will culminate in a live, interactive session taking place prior to the 2024 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE), providing attendees of the Oct. 21 Small Operator Symposium with a unique opportunity to connect with industry experts in-person. Learn more about the symposium. self, not just their working self. Especially in business aviation with such demanding roles, both in terms of time and expertise, it’s important that leaders understand what’s going on with their team in the rest of their lives.” This session follows Part 1: Becoming a Great Leader, which shared principles of effective leadership: vision, integrity and adaptability. In that session, panelists shared strategies to cultivate a culture of safety within teams of any size and explored the nuances of leadership dynamics in diverse work environments. Those who complete all sessions of the Small 14 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 08