Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

67 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 BARROW COUNT Y, GEORGIA county. “They are investing $31.5 million into our community, and they’re looking to bring 125 new jobs to the area.” The purchase of a former jet engine manufacturing facility by PNK Group will be an important contribution to the region’s growth, as McDaniel elaborates. “In Newton County, there’s a project called Archer Aviation, which is drone taxis. So that’s the level of technology that we’re dealing with. In Barrow County, PNK Group is going to make the industrial buildings for Archer Aviation and Rivian in Walton County. PNK Group is bringing $15 to $20 million to start with. We think that number is going to climb exponentially higher and at full build-out, they’re going to add 120 new jobs to Barrow County.” Traffic Infrastructure and Housing Initiatives A major project through the Georgia Department of Transportation to improve areas along State Road 316, including the West Winder bypass in Barrow County, is expected to cost over $423 million, and greatly improve traffic flow along this corridor. “The state of Georgia’s investment in that corridor is very significant,” says Graham. “They’re taking what was a full access highway and making it a limited access highway. I believe that Barrow County is going to be positioned as one of