Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

43 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 economic development and regionally as well. Anniston remains the regional hub for legal, financial, health care and other services for a five-county area––roughly 300,000 people. There’s a lot of much-needed work being done downtown, and we’re very proud of that.” Folks said that Anniston is a very walkable city, and it’s nationally recognized as a bicycle-friendly community. Anniston is known for its walking, cycling and horse trails. Eco-tourism is a big piece of the City’s economic puzzle going forward. “We have a great trail system here,” said Folks. “It’s one of those things that continues to grow.” As an aside, Draper praised Folks for his efforts and expertise in recreational matters, explaining ANNISTON, ALA . that the latter was formerly Anniston’s parks and recreation director before becoming city manager. “We’re very fortunate to have his leadership,” Draper said, “particularly with regard to parks and rec.” Folks extolled Anniston’s museums, which are so well known for their excellence that they’ve been recognized by the Smithsonian Institution. “We have so much to offer here,” he said. “We have museums that are top-notch.” The Anniston Museum of Natural History is located in Lagarde Park. It has on permanent exhibition more than 2,000 natural history items, such as minerals, fossils and rare animals in open dioramas, according to the Smithsonian Institution. And the Berman Museum features many exhibits on world history, including paintings and sculptures. It also has many artifacts from the ancient past, as Draper noted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ridgewater Interiors 1 Bridgewater Drive Eastabogo, AL 36260 Bridgewater Interiors 2369 Canal Street Lansing, MI 48917 Bridgewater Interiors 7500 Tank Ave Warren MI 48092