Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

29 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 ALE XANDER CI T Y, ALABAMA Lake Martin Acts as a Catalyst for Growth and Revitalization in Alexander City Located along the pristine Lake Martin, renowned for its drinkable water and expansive shoreline spanning 880 miles, Alexander City is capitalizing on the amenities of this natural treasure. Built on its shores is Wind Creek State Park, home to 586 campsites and a major attraction to the area. Baird highlights, “In the last couple of years it has been discovered, and people are coming here. We have people coming from Texas and Florida. The major thoroughfare through here is US Highway 280, a four-lane interstate, and we’re the gateway to the lake. So, retail- wise, people come through here and they stop and pick up what they need to go to the lake with, so it’s a huge economic boon for us.” The lake has also emerged as one of the greatest assets for Alexander City’s revitalization, highlighted by a development project brought