Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

269 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 THE PLAINFI ELD COMMUNI T Y SCHOOL CORPORAT ION “We recognized back when we changed our mission statement about bringing joy to learning through the implementation of the Imagination Lab and the kind of learning that would take place for our K-fifth graders that they were going to have these unique and exciting opportunities in elementary school,” she said, “and that we wanted to continue that progression of learning in a similar way. We began thinking of ways that we would extend that learning when students would come to the middle school as sixth, seventh and eighth-graders. In order to do that, we have a space in our school that is essentially a maker’s space. It’s a miniature Imagination Lab, basically. We have in that space a messy space, and we have many technologies that students can utilize for project-based learning.” Designing activities and looking to the future Ballinger spoke of designing school- approved activities for students. She said that the goals include: