Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

250 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 THE CARROLLTON CI T Y SCHOOLS Schools Board of Education. They told us more about what makes Carrollton and its homegrown school system so marvellous. “It’s a great location,” said Albertus. “We have about 25,000 to 30,000 people in our city. But then, during the day, this is a hub of activity. People come here to work and go to school.” He added that the University of West Georgia is also located within the Carrollton city limits, causing the municipality to swell to about 65,000 in the daytime. “It’s a really good situation,” the superintendent said. Albertus also explained an important distinction: that Carrollton’s is its own separate school system, while Carroll County’s system, also good, is quite another. Whilst of course consolidation was a hallmark of the education reforms of the 1960’s and ’70’s, some places do retain a multipartite approach to systematic arrangements. It’s not uncommon for some larger American counties to have as many as half a dozen school systems within a single county. “You’ll find our system is unique on several Student engagement is critical,Albertus observed. If students discover what they’re best at, be it a given academic subject or the extracurricular activities of band, athletics and so on, and they enjoy this, they’ll likewise enjoy their overall school experience all the more. Mech-South was formed by Shane Patterson and Joe Harrison to address the need for a creative, flexible shop capable of handling complicated mechanical work