Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

233 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 VI LLA RICA , GEORGIA Ghost Train in October is always sold out and features a “haunted’ train ride that is intended to frighten riders with ghost actors. The featured December event at the museum is a Winter Wonderland Train which has no ghosts, but actors who help bring the holidays to life with song, scenes, and more fun. In addition to providing history about Villa Rica and the surrounding area, the Pine Mountain Gold Museum also offers picnic areas and is adjacent to hiking trails that can be enjoyed by families. Ongoing developments Villa Rica is a microcosm of the national housing shortage trend. One example of this is the fact that the city began to build a 4,000-unit single- family unit planned development in 1998. Construction continued for a decade but stopped during the Great Recession in 2008 for financial reasons. Construction didn’t begin again until 2017, only to stop when the pandemic began. In two years or less, West Georgia Technical College students are skilled, trained, and ready to enter theworkforce! A unit of the Technical College System of Georgia. Asset forth in itsstudentcatalog,WestGeorgiaTechnicalCollegedoesnotdiscriminateon thebasisof race,color,creed,nationalorethnicorigin,sex, religion,disability,age,politicalaffiliationorbelief,genetic information,disabledveteran,aveteranof the VietnamEra,orcitizenshipstatus (except in thosespecialcircumstancespermittedormandatedby law).The followingpersonshavebeendesignated tohandle inquiries regarding thenon-discriminationpolicies:Equity (Title IX)Coordinator,DeanofStudents, 770.537.5722,176MurphyCampusBlvd.,Waco,GA30182.ADA (Section504)coordinator isExecutiveV.P.ofAdministrativeServices,678.664.0533,401AdamsonSquare,Carrollton,GA30117.