Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

210 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 the small townships of Green Valley, Cedar Bend, and Pilgrims’ Rest) that were founded circa 1850. These communities would go on to eventually merge into the single entity of Southside, which was incorporated back in 1957. “Since that time,” Snyder adds, “it has provided residents with a beautiful, friendly, and safe community. It is truly a wonderful place to call home and a great place to visit. We have just completed our Master Plan, a growth and strategic plan for Southside that covers the next five, 10, and 20 years. This will help to ensure strategic growth and progress for our city.” The Mayor highlights that Southside remains unindustrialized. She reveals that even today, some 30 percent of the local land is still devoted to agriculture (including growing corn, beans, cotton, and soybeans). “They do very well here,” Snyder says of local farmers. sidewalk project in the works. When completed, it’s planned to connect Southside High School to its football stadium, the community center, the Southside Public Library, Southside City Hall and several surrounding residential neighborhoods. Hutchins adds that the sidewalk’s design is yet to be finished, but when it is, it’s sure to be a beauty. Snyder says the construction of a new standalone fire station is currently underway. It will comprise some 10,000 square feet, and it will feature four bays. It’s slated to come online in January of next year. “We do think our public safety here is of great importance,” Snyder adds. “That attracts a lot of businesses, too, when they know you have those things in place.” More about Southside Snyder continues that what would one day become Southside, situated in Etowah County and these days about 15 minutes out of Gadsden, was one of several communities (including