Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

145 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 LONDON, OHIO downtown with Westwood Collective. They are going to keep paying the current property tax, but we’re abating their new investment.” “They pay the tax that’s already there, but the improvements are abated. It’s kind of fluid, how we can work these deals and work with them to get the best deal. They are currently fixing up three historic buildings that were unoccupied and not in great shape, but they are going to put seven-figure investments into these renovations. It’s because we can use that CRA to give them the abatement on the improvements,” he expands. “We have a corridor out on SR-142, and it is prime for development right now,” he added. “That’s where we have Gra-Mag, which makes the seats for semi-trailer cabs, and Stanley Electric. We have a Staples Distribution Center, Honeywell, Nissen Chemitec, and BST, which is a huge trucking company. Stanley