Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

13 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 Source- , Hanaa’ Tameerz, First published July 18, 2023 It used to be Facebook and Google doling out funds to local news publishers in an attempt to win them over (and, perhaps, quell said publishers’ dissent over how the platforms were using their content). Now, OpenAI — the Microsoft-backed company behind AI chatbot ChatGPT— is the latest tech giant trying to woo publishers. In an announcement on Tuesday, OpenAI said it will give $5 million to venture philanthropy firm American Journalism Project to figure out how artificial intelligence can best be used to support local news. Over the two-year partnership, the American Journalism Project will use some of that funding to support a three-person team that will “assess the applications of AI within the local news sector” and “organize a learning community across the AJP portfolio to document and share best practices, guidelines, and lessons as experiments unfold,” and will give the rest OPENAI WILL GIVE LOCAL NEWS MILLIONS TO EXPERIMENT WITH AI OPENING LINES