Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

129 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 HARDYSTON TOWNSHI P, NJ curb appeal. We envision Hardyston as a welcoming place that radiates vibrancy,” Piccolo-Kaufer says, reflecting the township’s drive to create an appealing sense of place. Hardyston has a robust roster of events promoting community spirit, the centerpiece of which is Hardyston Day. Mayor Kaminski elaborates, “Our Hardyston Day, held in early September, spans two days. We kick off with a band performance and fireworks on Friday night. The following Saturday is replete with vendors, entertainers, and activities, drawing a crowd of around a thousand people.” The township’s commitment to community engagement extends far beyond this annual highlight. “We organize holiday celebrations focusing on the younger residents, from tree lightings and egg hunts to pumpkin painting and hayrides,” shares Piccolo-Kaufer. Additionally, Hardyston offers a ‘Safety Town’ program for incoming kindergarteners, teaching essential safety concepts at a minimal cost. On the township’s unique position — situated close to a major metropolis yet maintaining a small-town ambiance —Mayor Kaminski comments, “While we are just an hour or so away from New York City, its influence doesn’t permeate Hardyston.” Instead, the town relishes its status as a recreational destination. Hardyston is home to an array of recreational opportunities from hiking through the Sparta and Hamburg Mountain Wildlife Management Areas, to ice skating at Skylands Ice World or playing golf at state of art golf courses at Ballyowen and Crystal Springs. Crystal Springs Resort nestled against the mountain backdrop and within an hour of New York City is a world class family-friendly resort with a hotel, golf course, spa, dining, wine cellar, and recreational activities. Collaboration and Future Initiatives: An Agenda for Sustainable Growth and Community Safety Hardyston Township cherishes its relationships with key collaborators, all contributing to the township’s