Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

125 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 HARDYSTON TOWNSHI P, NJ “Many of our residents work in Manhattan or the more urbanized counties of Bergen and Morris. On an average day, they are looking at commute times of about an hour and a half to Manhattan and roughly an hour to Bergen and Morris counties,” she explains. A New Paradigm: Embracing Remote Work and Community Development The rise of the remote work model has set new trends in Hardyston. Mayor Kaminski shares, “Productivity has seen an upswing with this model as people save significant commuting time. That saved time gets invested into work from their home desks,” he says, hinting at the advent of a new era that Hardyston is readily embracing. A surge in residential property sales and development alludes to the attraction of the township’s more rural character. Piccolo-Kaufer sheds light on this development. “With people no longer having to make the daily commute, they appreciate the open spaces and rural feel of