Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

119 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 HARRISON ARKANSAS relays. “In addition to that, we have now become one of the key places for mountain bike trails because of our terrain. We opened our first mountain bike trail just a couple of months ago with a donation from the Walton Foundation. We have an organization called Harrison Exercise Adventure and Recreation Trails (HEART), a commission that oversees that, and we’re looking at building two more trails in the city.” Culinary Delights and Potential Opportunities Another highlight of the community is the diverse selection of restaurant options. “We have all the chains, but we also have many locals. People that come through town, and tourists, love to try the local restaurants,” Jackson remarks. Harrison will soon be home to a large microbrewery, the second of its kind in the region. “This is going to be a huge draw for the downtown area,” he acknowledges. Adding to the dynamic atmosphere, food trucks have become a popular culinary option, adding to the town’s appeal as a lively and distinct destination nestled in the scenic Ozark Mountains. In addition to being a regional hub for retail, we are happy to be adding Dunham Sportings Goods to our city.