Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

115 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 once it opens. “It’s not open yet, but when it does, it’ll blow the socks off everything around here,” he says. ”But we aren’t waiting; we are moving Harrison forward now.” Tourism Initiatives Utilizing a sales tax of 1% on prepared food and 3% on hotels, the town supports Explore Harrison, a tourism commission that organizes and promotes many of the happenings in the community. “They just do a fantastic job,” boasts Jackson. “Every month, we have a big event here in Harrison. They are doing something constantly.” Some notable events include a popular motorcycle rally that attracts thousands of riders from across the country who want to experience the scenic mountain areas and natural beauty the town offers. Harrison also hosts a balloon festival and a unique festival called “Crawdad Days,” featuring crawfish sales, a carnival, and other attractions, as well as monthly music gatherings in the historic town square and many other opportunities for gathering. Explore Harrison has also introduced what Jackson describes as “an incredible mural project.” He elaborates, “We’re getting known for our murals. I don’t know how many we have now, but they’re everywhere.” We are also proud to be the home of Ebony Mitchell, Miss Arkansas 2022. She has spoken well of her hometown of Harrison during her travels. A further draw is Crooked Creek, which runs through the town. Jackson reports that efforts are underway to remove the weir and restore its natural flow, revitalizing the water activities in the area. “We’re going to call that the heartbeat of Harrison, the creek running through the middle of town like a little Colorado community,” he says. Harrison’s Abundant Recreation Opportunities Located next to the downtown square will be HARRISON ARKANSAS