Civil Municipal Magazine Aug 2023

113 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 The town is also known for its annual events, historic sites, and sports tournaments. Conveniently located on major highways, Harrison serves as a gateway to the Buffalo National River and other regional attractions. Unleashing Potential and Embracing Possibilities As charming as it may be, this community of 13,000 is teeming with possibilities, as Mayor Jerry Jackson reveals. “We have 30,000 cars coming through our town every day. Any person traveling to Branson from any one of the 12 States South comes right through Harrison,” he says. Taking advantage of this ideal location, the mayor says the town focused on creating opportunities and building on available amenities. “Four years ago, when I took office, we set a goal to be a little more progressive. We’re building a $23 million community center and indoor aquatic center. We’re going to improve our transportation; there will be tens of millions of dollars put into HARRISON ARKANSAS