Civil Municipal - April 2024

ensures zoning regulations align with contemporary development trends and citizen expectations. Director of Parks and Recreation Branham emphasizes Parks and Recreation’s commitment to enriching community life by providing diverse nature and activity opportunities that bolster public health, personal well-being, and the local economy. He announces the impending launch of a state-of-the- art clubhouse at the county’s golf course, envisioned as a premier wedding and event venue. “We hope that it’s going to become a premier wedding and event venue for Southern Maryland,” Branham expresses, showcasing an initiative expected to attract residents and visitors to the county. Finally, County Administrator Willis articulates a guiding principle of enhancing transparency community engagement, and governmental transparency. Each department head articulates distinct goals for the year ahead, reflecting a shared commitment to cultivating a community that balances growth with sustainability. Director of Economic Development Oberg outlines her department’s ambition to propel sustainable economic development that aligns with community desires and environmental preservation. “It’s a constant challenge and a balancing act for us,” she admits, emphasizing the effort to build a thriving economy based on business development, business retention, tourism, and agriculture. Meanwhile, Director of Planning and Zoning Cook speaks to the goal of modernizing the county’s zoning ordinance, reflecting evolving land uses and community needs.“Our goal in planning and zoning this year is to adopt a new Calvert County zoning ordinance,” she states, stressing the importance of keeping pace with developments such as Airbnb and tiny houses. This effort offers flexibility and 57 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04 CALVERT COUNTY, MD