Civil Municipal - April 2024

to harmonizing development with environmental stewardship, exemplifying a progressive approach to sustainable living and rural preservation. County Administrator Willis shares insights into the symbiotic relationship between Calvert County and its municipalities, highlighting the mutual respect and collaboration that underpin their joint efforts toward sustainability. “Both mayors are on speed dial,” he jests, signifying the close-knit nature of their working relationships. He proudly recounts the county’s efforts in land preservation, underpinning its longstanding commitment to environmental protection. “We protected the rural character by smartly moving that growth into the town center,” Willis explains, demonstrating a strategic approach to development that minimizes environmental impact. Discussing green energy, Willis acknowledges the county’s support for solar power, albeit with a cautious approach to ensure it complements the rural aesthetic. “We are all for solar for sure... our 55 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04 CALVERT COUNTY, MD