Civil Municipal - April 2024

individualized curriculum. Staff members consistently implement multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) as part of the teaching and learning process. Regarding integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) within the curriculum, Pittser emphasizes the district’s innovative strategies. “We embed as many STEM activities in our math and science classes as possible.We also provide summer enrichment opportunities for our students through STEM camps.” From an early age, this commitment to STEM education underlines Miami Trace’s forward-thinking approach to preparing students for the demands of the future workforce, ensuring they are literate and proficient in critical thinking and problem- solving skills essential for success in an increasingly technology-driven world. FACING THE TEACHER SHORTAGE WITH INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES In recent years, the education sector has faced a significant challenge: a need for more qualified teachers in crucial subject areas. This issue has forced school districts nationwide to rethink their strategies for attracting and retaining top talent. The Miami Trace Local School District is no exception. Rob Enochs, the Assistant Superintendent, acknowledges the targeted nature of the teacher shortage affecting specific critical areas like special education, math, and science.“Not a general teacher shortage, but in particular areas such as special education, math, and sciences. We don’t get many applicants in those areas when they come open.” In response, Miami Trace has cultivated an environment rich in support and professional development opportunities. “We have a mentorship program, Southern Ohio Educational Service Center, that provides hands-on assistance with progressing their license, especially new teachers. We mentor every new teacher in our district, even if they have experience.” Additionally, Enochs highlights the district’s efforts to cultivate collaboration among teachers through structured, expected planning times and teacher- 246 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04