Civil Municipal - April 2024

especially in the post-pandemic era. The expansion of Bridge Academy, supported by a million-dollar grant and community support, signifies the district’s dedication to workforce development. “We’re not just expanding classroom space; we’re responding to both student and community interest in our programs,”Baker notes, underlining the success of this initiative in attracting families to the district for its diverse offerings, from academics to athletics. Baker also proudly announces the construction of a $3 million agriscience building and the transformation of outdated home economics facilities into modern health science labs. “These upgrades are not just about space; they’re about aligning with the interests and demands of our students and the community,” he asserts. This shift towards health sciences is a strategic response to the growing demand for healthcare professionals in the area, providing students with the skills and knowledge to pursue lucrative and fulfilling careers in healthcare. Welch adds an innovative dimension to the health science program by introducing telehealth training. “By integrating telehealth carts and training into our curriculum, we’re preparing students for the future of healthcare,” she explains. This forward- thinking approach ensures that students are aware of and skilled in the latest healthcare trends and technologies. Baker then highlights the financial support received from the USDA to bolster these initiatives.“Receiving the grant for the second year, valued at around $1 million, underscores the significance of our efforts in health sciences and telehealth training,” he remarks. This funding is instrumental in advancing the district’s vision for a future-ready, health-conscious student body. PRIORITIES AND PROGRESS IN DALE COUNTY SCHOOLS As Dale County Schools move forward into 2024, the focus sharpens on expanding educational opportunities, enhancing public relations, and continuing to build upon the district’s successes. Welch elaborates on the targeted expansion of Bridge Academy, propelled by recent funding achievements. “We aim to refine our program offerings to align with student interests and the immediate needs of our workforce partners,” she explains. This strategic direction is informed by comprehensive surveys of students and community businesses, ensuring the Academy’s growth is relevant and impactful.Welch’s vision is clear: to equip students with the skills that directly translate into workforce readiness, addressing the dual needs of student career aspirations and local industry demands. Conversely, Baker points to the broader ambition of elevating the district’s public relations efforts. “Our challenge, and indeed our opportunity, lies in enhancing our visibility and appeal,” he asserts. He acknowledges the district’s robust academic programs, vibrant extracurricular activities, and state- of-the-art facilities. Still, he underscores the need to communicate these strengths more effectively to attract educators and families to the community. Baker also addresses the recent dip in the district’s 230 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04