Civil Municipal - April 2024

These funds are not merely monetary; they represent a lifeline for communities striving to navigate the complexities of modern economic landscapes while preserving the heart of their historic districts. Both state and national programs offer an excess of resources and training to local Main Street managers, equipping them with the tools necessary to navigate the shifting economic landscape and bolster the vitality of their respective districts. As McPherson outlines, the Main Street Maryland program features diverse initiatives and thrives on strategic partnerships that amplify its impact. “We have a portfolio of operating and capital programs to support these initiatives,” McPherson notes. Strategic partnerships play a huge role in the program’s success, with collaboration extending beyond the Department of Housing and Community Development to encompass various state agencies and organizations. The symbiotic relationship with entities such as the Department of Commerce, which houses tourism—a crucial component complementing Main Street communities, is emphasized. Additionally, partnerships with state highways are essential because many Main Streets fall within state highway rights-of-way. The program’s affiliation with the National Main Street Center adds another layer of collaboration, enabling access to resources and expertise on a broader scale. Locally, organizations like the Maryland Economic Development Association (META) and Preservation Maryland serve as invaluable partners, further enriching the program’s reach and effectiveness. McPherson highlights a particularly noteworthy partnership with the Baltimore City Main Streets program. “Baltimore City runs several Main Street communities, totaling eight or nine, within its jurisdiction,” she explains. “Given Baltimore City’s pivotal role in our state, we collaborate closely with them to support these communities.” MILESTONES AND ACHIEVEMENTS Transitioning from partnerships to tangible outcomes, McPherson passionately delves into the program’s 25-year journey, eager to share the 22 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04