Civil Municipal - April 2024

California grapples with a housing shortage, exacerbating the strain on infrastructure and affordability concerns. With an anticipated influx of over a million residents in the next decade, the urgency to address this housing deficit becomes vital. “Jobs and housing are really what create the increase in sales tax revenue,” explains Dalquest, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between economic growth and community development. Upland is charting a course toward a more resilient and equitable future by investing in infrastructure, supporting affordable housing initiatives, and fostering a vibrant business environment. NEW DEVELOPMENTS ON THE HORIZON The city’s vision extends beyond housing, with initiatives to enhance quality of life and foster economic vitality. In a bold move towards educational innovation, Upland is exploring establishing a local community college campus, focusing on downtown revitalization. Velto states, “I’m working with the local community college about building a campus 909 581 4920 191 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04 UPLAND, CA