Business View Civil & Municipal Apr-2023

74 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 “Once they sell lots and have homes on the ground, they can issue bonds to reimburse them for the infrastructure. So, there are very high-quality water, wastewater, and street systems there.” The development agreements with both of these developers ensure that those systems will later be handed over to the city, which will take over ownership and operation, while also expanding them into other areas of the community. “The city will be in a position then to expand the operation of water and wastewater systems and provide public water and wastewater in what have historically been rural areas that were serviced by private wells and septic systems. So again, it’s triggering that evolution of being able to continue the growth and development without having to rely on developers coming in and investing large sums of capital upfront to do it. We will be able to extend that out as a city and grow that operation.”