Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport

7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 RICK HUSBAND AMARI LLO INTERNAT IONAL AI RPORT “That program links the airport with our business community to make sure that the airlines are flying to the places that the business travelers want to go to,” he explains. “Oftentimes, the airlines don’t get the perspective of the actual people: the business leaders, the business owners, who may have the ability to direct where their travel dollars are going. So, we connect those two up.” AMA looks to lure new businesses Attracting new businesses to AMA is another current agenda item. Its new Land Development Coordinator, David Sougstad’s primary job is to find suitable lessees for about 500 acres of vacant land that the airport has available. “So that development is key for us for the airport moving forward,” notes Conner, “whether that’s aviation business or other types of businesses. bellflight.com PROUD TO CALL AMARILLO HOME.