Tecumseh Ontario

6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 Tecumseh’s Branding and Marketing Initiatives Chief Administrative Officer Marg Misek- Evans sheds light on a series of marketing and branding initiatives that Tecumseh is currently executing. Notably, Tecumseh collaborates with an affiliated group consisting of the County of Essex and the City of Windsor known as Tourism Windsor, Essex, and Pelee Island. Together, they release an annual branding brochure that features the various attractions and events in the area, including Tecumseh and all its sister municipalities. “One of the highlights is our temperate climate,” shares Misek-Evans, emphasizing the region’s enviable position as the southernmost county in Canada, being 800 km south of Vancouver, BC. Promoting the region’s unique attributes, Misek-Evans points to its expansive 160 km of shoreline, award-winning wine country, low crime rates, and some of the shortest worker commute times in Canada. “We’re an excellent place to live and work,” she proclaims. Such a claim is backed by a biannual survey of residents that has been conducted since 2014. “Our latest survey in 2023 found that 9 in 10 residents would recommend the town as a place to live, 8 in 10 feel the town is going in the right direction, and a whopping 97% of residents are satisfied with town services,” she reveals. A key branding initiative on the horizon involves three commercial shopping districts within Tecumseh. Misek-Evans elaborates, “This initiative is intended to help the recovery program and drive traffic to those areas.” Tecumseh’s Main Street, one of these districts, benefits greatly from a community improvement plan, which offers incentives to businesses and property owners for improvements such as facade upgrades and parking expansion. “Our main street plan is paying off with the recent addition of over 300 new residential apartments in this area to support new business attraction and retention. New restaurants, brewery and bars have sprung up to round out this urbanizing