Manufactoring Enterprise Solutions Association MESA digital

7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 to harness new technologies often grapple with securing funding approvals. The process can be slow, hindering firms from tapping into the benefits of emerging technologies.” He emphasizes that this sluggishness in embracing new technologies can leave companies lagging, unable to seize the opportunities that smart manufacturing presents. To combat this, MESA offers several resources. “Our smart manufacturing model is a practical tool designed to elucidate the concept of smart manufacturing,” Clemons shares. “Additionally, our courses on building a robust business case, coupled with best practices, white papers, and practical guidebooks, empower companies to navigate the complexities of implementing new technologies.” Clemons further highlights the dichotomy in perceptions about new technologies. “On one hand, there’s undeniable excitement about the superfluity of innovative technologies available. Yet, on the flip side, there’s skepticism, often stemming from a lack of understanding.” Questions like ‘Why do we need the industrial Internet of Things?’ or ‘What’s the value of AI in our operations?’ are commonplace. Addressing this, Clemons underscores MESA’s pivotal role. “Our mission is to demystify these technologies, showcasing their tangible benefits. We aim to illustrate how they enable companies to operate more efficiently, cost- effectively, and innovatively than ever before.” Through its comprehensive suite of tools, classes, white papers, and guidebooks, MESA strives to ensure that companies can transition from mere awareness of these technologies to their effective implementation, driving real-world results. Building Bridges: MESA’s Approach to Networking and Community Engagement MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE SOLUT IONS ASSOCIAT ION (MESA)