Manufactoring Enterprise Solutions Association MESA digital

5 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 educational offerings are comprehensive.” The program’s success lies in its practicality. Clemons highlights one of the association’s flagship courses centered on the justification of technology expenditures. “Given the convergence of information technology, operations technology, and emerging technologies like AI, understanding their collective impact and building a financial model to justify the investment can be challenging. Our course guides individuals through this intricate process.” When asked about the industry’s reception to these technological advancements, Clemons is optimistic. “Manufacturing sectors built around innovation, like pharmaceuticals and medical devices, inherently understand the value of technology. They leverage it as a competitive advantage, driving product development, reducing costs, and enhancing productivity.” He further notes the enthusiasm in sectors closely tied to consumers, such as foods, beverages, and consumer packaged goods. “These sectors harness technology to swiftly respond to consumer demands, introducing new products and extending the life of existing ones.” On the topic of advocacy, Clemons clarifies MESA’s stance. “While we don’t have a direct advocacy or lobbying component, we collaborate closely with several industry organizations.” He mentions the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Industry Institute (CESMII), as a prime example of a public-private partnership that MESA engages with. “Our focus is on fostering collaboration and ensuring that the manufacturing sector remains at the forefront of technological advancements,” Clemons concludes. Navigating the Challenges of Modern Manufacturing The manufacturing industry, while brimming with potential, is not without its challenges. Clemons shares some of the pressing issues faced by companies and how MESA is positioned to assist. “One of the significant challenges is financial justification,” Clemons begins. “Companies eager MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE SOLUT IONS ASSOCIAT ION (MESA)