Manufactoring Enterprise Solutions Association MESA digital

4 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 Clemons delves deep into the essence of MESA’s mission, emphasizing the transformative power of information technology in the manufacturing sector. “We have a global community of MESA members, essentially industry thought leaders, working diligently to drive business improvement by applying information technology and best practices,” Clemons explains. “Our goal is to seamlessly integrate information technology with operations, technology, and emerging innovations in manufacturing and industrial operations.” MESA’s commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation is evident in its initiatives. Clemons highlights the association’s recent endeavor, the MESA Smart Manufacturing Model. “This model offers a practical framework for integrating best practices, operations technology, information technology, and emerging technologies to enhance manufacturing operations,” he says. “It’s not just a theoretical construct; it’s a tangible tool that professionals can use daily to make smart manufacturing a reality for their organizations.” When reflecting on MESA’s journey since its inception in 1992, Clemons notes the monumental shift in the role of technology within the manufacturing sector. “Back in 1992, the use of information technology in manufacturing was in its infancy. However, we recognized its potential as a game-changer, a tool that could redefine manufacturing strategies and operations.” Looking ahead, Clemons is optimistic about the trajectory of information technology in manufacturing. “We’re witnessing an exciting convergence of new technologies, each amplifying the other’s impact,” he shares. “From augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications in manufacturing to the resurgence of manufacturing execution systems, the possibilities are boundless. Innovations like AI tailored for manufacturing, advanced identification technologies, and novel robotics solutions are collectively reshaping the industry, offering solutions that transcend the capabilities of individual technologies.” Empowering the Manufacturing Sector: Education, Innovation, and Collaboration Clemons highlights MESA’s multifaceted approach to fostering growth and innovation in the manufacturing sector. At the heart of MESA’s initiatives lies its Global Education Program. “We offer a series of classes, both online and instructor-led, aimed at acquainting individuals with the myriad solutions available and their potential applications,” Clemons explains. “From basic awareness programs introducing the vast landscape of available technologies to advanced courses on building a robust business case for these solutions, our