Clayton NJ

7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 CLAY TON, NEW JERSEY marketing brochure to attract restaurateurs. “We’re actively marketing a privately held liquor license to potential restaurant owners, as the current owner seeks our assistance in selling it,” Miller adds. This initiative underscores the town’s commitment to fulfilling its residents’ wishes and enhancing Clayton’s commercial landscape. Industrial Growth and Connectivity: Clayton’s Commercial Vision Miller sheds light on Clayton’s industrial landscape. “We do have an industrial center on Cenco Boulevard,” she notes. Over the past three to four years, this area has seen significant development. From a commercial driving school rejuvenating a previously dilapidated parcel to the establishment of Seashore Asphalt, LLC. and an environmental cleanup company, the industrial center has thrived. “We’ve also witnessed the expansion of a commercial auto repair facility. Currently, there’s limited space left for further development,” Miller adds.