Clayton NJ

5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 CLAY TON, NEW JERSEY rental apartments with top tier amenities at the south end of town. Additionally, there’s Autumn Run, offering single-family home condos where residents own their homes but lease the ground,” she explains. This unique housing model is a novel approach in the area. Strategic Community Centers and Parking Solutions Charles Simon, Borough Council President, provides a detailed perspective on Clayton’s community hubs and the ongoing initiatives. “The senior center, while not directly downtown, is strategically located at one of our town hubs-DJ Bentz Memorial Soccer Complex, which is named after Clayton resident PFC. David J. Bentz, III, who was killed in action during the Iraq War.” he explains. This location, next to soccer fields and two 55+ developments, ensures easy accessibility for many seniors. “Having the senior center there, open for events and gatherings, truly brings the community together,” Simon adds with evident pride. The senior center also doubles as a polling center, allowing residents to appreciate the facility’s offerings. “Being right next to the soccer fields, it’s a hub of activity, from children playing to the elderly walking around the field,” Simon notes. Discussing downtown parking, Simon acknowledges the challenges and opportunities. “As we try to attract more businesses, we recognize the need for expanded parking. While street parking currently suffices, and some larger establishments have their own lots, we’re exploring ways to enhance parking, especially with the influx of more businesses.”