Clayton NJ

4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 who’ve either stayed through generations or returned after venturing out. This continuity has fostered an unparalleled sense of community support, spirit, and togetherness.” Indeed, Clayton’s unique charm lies in its ability to maintain a close-knit community ambiance amidst the rapid growth of neighboring municipalities. “While places like Glassboro and Rowan University have undergone tremendous transformations, especially with developments like Rowan Boulevard, Clayton has managed to preserve its essence,” Miller points out. “Despite having a state highway cutting through our downtown, we still have a downtown.” Revitalizing Downtown Clayton: A Blend of Heritage and Progress Miller delves into the intricacies of Clayton’s downtown development. “We have a master plan that’s regularly updated as required by statute. Beyond this, we’ve engaged an engineering firm with municipal planners to study our downtown,” she shares. This study has led to the designation of certain parcels as areas in need of redevelopment or rehabilitation. “This allows us to overlay specific redevelopment projects or visions outside of our master plan and design standards,” Miller adds, highlighting the flexibility this approach offers. In terms of partnerships, the city has collaborated with Triad Associates for several years. “ We have utilized their services for several key initiatives, and they’ve been pivotal in helping us define an economic development vision and market the opportunities in Clayton,” Miller notes. Triad’s expertise has been instrumental in securing sizeable grants for Clayton, including significant congressional funding for a new ladder truck for the Clayton Volunteer Fire Company and a potential $100,000 grant aimed at beautifying and ensuring the safety of the downtown corridor. “The focus is on aesthetics and making the area more walkable and freer from hazards,” she elaborates. On the residential front, Miller mentions two significant projects. “We have the Silver Lake Residence, which will introduce 112 luxury