Stern Laboratories Inc.
8 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 9 One technology could finally tip the balance in favor of nuclear – Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). While current reactors are grid- level reactors providing over 1000MW, SMRs generate as much as 300MW to as little as 5MW, significantly expanding the application use cases for nuclear beyond the grid. “You can have a 300MW unit for a small utility, maybe a 50MW unit for a mine in a remote area where there’s no power, and an even small unit like 5MW for remote off-grid communities and security installations,” says Hadaller. Besides SMRs, Stern Laboratories is also working on technologies that could improve the output and efficiency of CANDU reactors. “We are actively looking at a new design for a CANDU fuel bundle that incorporates computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and can provide higher rated power,” Hadaller adds. For Stern Laboratories, SMRs dominate the immediate future, and both Hadaller and Van Lochem expect SMR demonstrations to emerge as various stakeholders start assembly. “We are looking forward to participating in SMR demonstrations and hopefully seeing several SMRs up and running in the next three to five years,” says Hadaller. “As Canada moves to a net- zero green economy by 2050, we will require a significant amount of green electricity, which can only be nuclear. There is not much more hydropower, and solar and wind can only go so far. Because this transition is urgent, we will need more nuclear energy to make this future a reality.” Reaching Excellence, Together. Providing accounting, audit, tax, business valuations, insolvency and business advisory services. 105 Main Street East, 7th Floor, Hamilton, ON L8N 1G6 • 905-523-0000 3410 South Service Road, Ste. 103, Burlington, ON L7N 3T2 • 905-637-9959 STERN LABORATOR I ES INC .
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