Los Alamos, New Mexico

6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9 LOS ALAMOS COUNTY , NEW MEX I CO County is an ideal location for a technology company setting first-rate R & D facilities in a safe, small-town environment. We have a ready-made ecosystem for technology development, and we endeavor to collaborate with entrepreneurs to bring important discoveries out of the Lab and into the private sector for great benefit. A relatively new program we have started, the NM-LEEP (Lab- Embedded Entrepreneurship Program) allows an entrepreneur developing a technology to immerse themself in the Lab’s technical expertise and resources for two years. Current NM LEEP fellows are developing new tools to monitor space weather and preventative treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.” Healthy and strong communities are essential in attracting and retaining R&D professionals. Los Alamos National Lab works closely with the county to support healthcare, recreation, and a high quality of life. LANL has longstanding partnerships aimed at enhancing opportunities Headquartered in Los Alamos, Southwest Office Solutions is your local and trusted Xerox Office Copier and Printer partner. For businesses large and small, we will help you determine the best office print solution to meet your needs! 505-661-2554 www.sos-nm.com 1789 Central Ave #4 Los Alamos, NM 87544 Your Xerox Office Copier and Printer partner