Fullerton Municipal Airport
8 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 9 FULLERTON MUNI C I PAL A I RPORT schools – Fun Outside Flight Training and Fly KFUL Flight School. The full complement of business tenants includes South Coast Helicopters (movie and film industry), Helistream (law enforcement training, etc.), California Highway Patrol, Anaheim Police Dept., Orange County Fire Authority, and Mercy Air, among others. Capital improvement projects are always on the agenda for regional airports. At Fullerton Municipal, one of the most recent is the runway edge rehabilitation project. O’Reilly explains, “We have loose native soils and although the integrity of the runway is very good, the edges had some crumbling. So we sawcut five feet off the edges of the runway, repaved that, and added 10 feet of shoulder. We also replaced all the lighting equipment with LED and restriped everything. So we have a good runway for the next 10-15 years.” The next project is phase two of the Terminal Building project, where the City of Fullerton is proposing to construct a new Airport Administration Building. The new two-story building will be located to the west of the existing terminal building and airport control tower and contain office space on the ground floor with a multipurpose room and balcony on the second floor. A portion of the office space will be utilized by airport staff with the potential to lease the remaining space. The multipurpose room will be available for rent to local business and organizations. Construction of the new building will also require significant modification to the parking lot which will provide a dedicated drop-off and pick up location, plus improve the on-site traffic circulation. Minor improvements to the existing terminal building will include restroom modifications, façade upgrades, and mechanical equipment upgrades. Looking forward with anticipation, O’Reilly shares, “I think a new Administration Building
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