California Business Properties Association

4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9 CAL I FORNI A BUS INESS PROPERT I ES ASSOC I AT ION residential and commercial are yin and yang, and what happens in one area impacts the other. So, we work very closely with the other groups.” BVM: How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your association and your members? Hargrove: “Some sectors of real estate have done very well coming through this pandemic, but other sectors have seen a huge shift and impact on them. Primarily in the retail sector for some of the smaller retailers, and smaller traditional malls, and neighborhood centers that saw some of their smaller tenants get hammered by the pandemic. For example, the folks that have restaurants as tenants… that sector of real estate has been negatively impacted by COVID and is seeing quite a change coming through it. Also, the office sector saw an impact, where at one point there was a dip of 10 to 15 percent depending on the BVM: Is the CBPA involved with residential and commercial sectors? Matthew Hargrove, President & CEO, “Our mandate is primarily commercial, which is office, retail, and industrial real estate. However, we have some companies that within their portfolios have multi-family. We also work very closely with the BIA and the Apartment Association, as well as other associations in Sacramento, because the residential side really impacts the commercial side of things. We all try to coordinate to make sure that policies and regulations that move forward in Sacramento work. Even if it doesn’t apply to the commercial sector. We like to make sure that what happens on the multi-family side of things makes sense because many times we will be next. “We also have some groups and companies that are homebuilders or multi-family builders or managers. We focus on commercial, but