California Business Properties Association

3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9 Development Association, Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM), Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT), and hundreds of individual companies. In January, Matthew Hargrove stepped into his new role as President & CEO of California Business Properties Association (CBPA) following the retirement of Rex S. Hime. Business View spoke with Matthew and Rex W. Hime, VP Strategic Communications for the CBPA, about the association, industry challenges, and the outlook for the future of the commercial real estate sector in California. BVM: Can you share some background on the CBPA? Hime: “We are an association of associations at CBPA. We were founded back in 1972 by a group of shopping center companies and leaders. A tax was proposed per parking space by the EPA, so they figured they needed to get together as a group because they couldn’t defeat this on their own as it would be devastating to the industry. So, they banded together and were able to defeat that measure and decided, going forward, that it would be smart to keep the group together to advocate for the industry’s interests. That’s how California Business Properties Association began. AT A GLANCE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS PROPERTIES ASSOCIATION (CBPA) WHAT: The Voice for the Commercial, Industrial, Retail Real Estate Industry WHERE: Based in Sacramento, California WEBSITE: