Atlantic County, New Jersey
8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9 ATLANT I C COUNTY , NEW JERSEY Atlantic City International Airport. The logistics industry is busting at the seams, thanks to the boom in online shopping, and the County now has land available to create 1.5 million sq. ft of cargo space. Talks are in progress with a developer to get that cargo hub project moving along. With innovation and forward-thinking leading the way, the ACEA have also partnered with Embry Riddell Aeronautical University and Atlantic Cape Community College to develop an aviation and offshore wind training academy of the future. As part of that project, the ACEA are working with the joint base of McGuire, Lakehurst, and Fort Dix, along with the Air Force. To address the severe shortage of aircraft technicians, as well as pilots, the partners are planning to develop an academy in Atlantic County to train technicians to work with aircraft and also in the offshore wind industry that economic development entities are trying to attract to New Jersey. sky is truly the limit. If you fly in U.S. airspace you have to get reviewed, approved, and certified by the William J. Hughes Technical Center and they have a campus in Atlantic County. Another unique asset in the County is the Atlantic City International Airport, which is owned and operated by the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA). According to Moore, the airport is only utilized to 28 percent of its capacity and continues to struggle with commercial passenger service. To take advantage of these assets, the ACEA have partnered with the FAA and other partners to assist in building out an aviation cluster in Atlantic County. Moore notes, “That’s why we’re working with the SJTA to develop commercial passenger service and other sectors in the aviation cluster – including the Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul industry, and the cargo industry.” In fact, Atlantic County has just unlocked 400 acres to create a new east coast cargo hub at
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